IN PERSON! Apache Kafka® Meetup Bangkok วันที่ 6 เดือน ก.ย. นี้ (Sep 6, 2022)

มี 2 หัวข้อครับ เผื่อสนใจกัน จัดที่ Sathorn Square ตั้งแต่ 1 ทุ่มเป็นต้นไป

Stream Governance and Schema Registry

Speaker: Engin Cukuroglu, PhD, Staff Solutions Engineer, Confluent
With the sharp rise of real-time data, the need for data governance in Businesses is growing quickly. As investments into Microservices increase and data sources scale, it becomes more and more challenging to understand and govern the full scope of data streams flowing across the business units.

In this meetup, the role of the Schema Registry in Stream Governance will be explored. The fundamentals of Schema Registry and the best practices to integrate with Microservices will be covered. After this meetup, participants will begin their stream governance journey with Schema Registry.

Event driven architecture in Retail Platform

Speaker: Sattra Sowanit, Chief Software Architect, TD Tawandang (
Building outbox pattern to orchestrate massive events across Microservices modules using Apache Kafka.

แถวบ้าน :house_with_garden:

ไปดูรายชื่อใน meetup มา คุ้นหน้าหลายคนเลย :laughing:

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